Parts and Spares


Price from: £15.60 Each (£18.72 inc. VAT)
Headlamp bowl 3 adjuster seating rim and retaining rim
Price from: £14.46 Each (£17.35 inc. VAT)
Chome plated bronze bracket for Lucas type headlamps such as the L140. Fits inside the headlamp shell rim - the tongue fits through the slot which then accepts the rim fixing screw 641 in a 2BA...
Price from: £12.57 Each (£15.08 inc. VAT)
tapered oblong rear red reflector lens. approx dimensions 70mm tapering to 65mm x 35mm. replacement lens for E147-NC-1 reflector, fitted on Anglia and Prefect.
Price from: £6.71 each (£8.05 inc. VAT)
Stainless steel headlamp rim retaining screw, for use with E1ADKN-13050
Price from: £4.48 each (£5.38 inc. VAT)
Used in Butler type lamps - stainless steel. Use with E1ADKN-13047
Prices shown include VAT @ 20% where applicable